Jun 9, 2023Liked by Pete P

Great commentary. Absolute folly of arrogance.

Will never forget the event, as I was in my cousin's wedding at West Point on Saturday, October 2, 1993. The only non-Academy guy in the bridal party wearing a tux amid a sea of Dress Gray, I felt like the butler to a Hollywood cast of military heroes. About halfway through the reception, a number of the guys started quietly peeling off, with the remainder (including the groom) gone to Fort Benning by morning. Those guys all turned out OK (as the 10th Mountain and other divisions arrived in force after the events of October 3rd, rather than continuing with daring, movie-style Special Ops raids), but the recklessness with which our forces are deployed to this day bothers the sh!t out of me.

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I graduated high school in 1995 and despite my staunch patriotism and a variety of family members in the military, I hated Bill Clinton so much, I could not even think of having to serve in the military under him. As feckless and captured as Bush I was, we are still haunted by the candidacy of Ross Perot.

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